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Looking for feedback on my 3D portfolio

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Hi everyone,
 I want to work as a modeler in vfx/animation and I'm looking for some honest feedback on my portfolio. I'm mostly self-taught and I've been doing 3D for about 2.5 years.
portfolio link: https://www.artstation.com/robinmkrtchyan

Any and every piece of feedback is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.


  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    it looks good enough to start thinking about applying for work, though everything feels a bit chaotic and it takes a few moments to understand what I'm looking at with certain projects.

    My suggestion is to maybe consider making more props that have a real world equivalent for people to more easily compare to, like the Skorpion VZ-61 you did.

    Speaking of the Skorpion, I'd either remove or better detail the leather straps on grip.
  • iam717
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    iam717 interpolator
    All i can do right now: quick dirty, not so important but leaving a mark i guess.
    Not going to lie the last piece in my version of your thumbnails, looks like slapped on geo/assets to create the design, it falls a bit way from the concept, generally want to match the concept as close as possible.
    I'd really try to get that environment project spot on, trying some new stuff since you already have it made and just have to play with lighting and color correcting.  While you apply to places like z said that is so your time is not being "wasted".
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Wouldn't hire you based on your current portfolio. Decent models, proportions. Where it falls flat is the materials. Looks like you slapped a standard  metal, wood, or grunge pattern on em and called it a day. I don't see where you decided to make the model have character or tell a story. I don't see dirt and edge wear where it would appear to be. Your models look "perfect" like they came fresh off the factory line. Get that sorted and then you'll have a better shot.

    example: Your model. Great model, but the asset lacks a lot of the style and visual interest of the concept. The main metal material is uniform and has no gradient, (lighter up top, darker towards the bottom. The painterly effect of the concept has been almost completely ignored and would add a lot more visual interest and make your asset stand out, and take this beyond the color by numbers material pass it currently has. 

    In contrast, the concept is very interesting to look at and has a lot of character and texture.
    The front of the truck has a reddish hue (implied shadow, but still really nice). Stylization on the roller of the awning isn't thick enough to match the concept, You did a little stylization of the glass, but didn't take it far enough. The Menu board is so crisp and perfect and thus lacks character. A lot of the "Fun" from the concept got lost at the material stage. This illustrates a lot of what I was describing before on your overall portfolio. Push those mats/textures.

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