Hello Gaming Artists, Designers, and Developers!
For your Unreal personal game, do you want assistance on textures, shaders, materials, and gameplay functions?
I am looking to pair up with a team or solo game artist, game designer, or game developer. I would like to provide an extra set of hands.
I have experience as an Unreal Technical Artist, programmer and Illustrator.
Please preview my portfolio link:
https://brandonnealart.carbonmade.com/I'm looking to take on a short term project where I can enhance my skills in Unreal Engine, C++ programming, and Blueprint Scripting.
I would like to collaborate on a shared personal project. I am available for 3 months with 5-10 hours a week.
Preferably, I would like to work on a more action-oriented game, but I'm OPEN TO other types of projects as well.
Please email me at bpneal23@gmail.com and we'll discuss your project!