I imported two different wheels in separate Bake Groups. When I fix the offset of one of the wheels, it messes up the offset of the other one and viceversa. What could be happening?
They are imported as separate fbx files. I think I'm missing something obvious, but I just can't figure out what.
Howdy! Support team here! Hmmm, chances are that you just copied them in your DCC and they are still the same object with same UVs and same material, so even though they are in separate BGs, that’s an expected behavior.
The idea here is to select both wheels and unwrap them together as one. After that, go on with your normal export and try again. Hope that helps!
You can go to File > Export > Scene Bundle. Thanks!
don't exactly know what DCC and BG mean
I will try to separate them and unwrap again.
DCC is the software you use to create 3D content.
Please send us the email, so we can take a look.