I'm using a procedural foliage spawner in UE5 to spawn the "Toad rush" and "Rabbit rush" foliages from megascans but they seem to not appear at some distance as you can see here

Apparently the foliage is there as they appear when the camera gets close to it but not when it's far. I've checked distance culling and it's set to zero, there are no LOD issues either since I've turned off auto LOD. The other foliage types such as the cactus and the smaller grass which are also from megascans render fine. What could be the issue?
Edit: Another thing I just noticed is that the foliage only disappears when the camera looks directly at it i.e the center of the camera is focused at the foliage area but when it's looking away it renders fine on the sides.
Maybe the size of it has made it worse but I don't understand why it should be a problem? Since it's specifically those grass foliages and not the cactus foliages of the same type and materials from megascans.