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Senior vs. Principle Env artist?

polycounter lvl 9
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jordank95 polycounter lvl 9
I see some job posts for Principle environment artists, and always wondered what the main difference is between that and a lead or senior? Im sure its different from studio to studio, but would be nice to get some advice from some people who have been in that position before.


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    This was asked and answered recently... might try a forum search.

    I just wanted to say that the words are pretty definition accurate. ChatGPT gave a nice explanation:

    "In the context of a job, the words "lead" and "principle" have different connotations and refer to different roles.

    A "lead" typically refers to a person who has been assigned the responsibility of overseeing a team of individuals within a particular department or project. This individual is responsible for managing the team's work and ensuring that the team meets its goals and objectives. A lead may be responsible for assigning tasks, providing guidance and feedback, and generally serving as a point of contact for the team members.

    On the other hand, a "principle" (sometimes spelled "principal") is typically a higher-level individual within an organization who is responsible for making key decisions and setting strategic direction. A principal may be responsible for overseeing multiple teams or departments and ensuring that the organization as a whole is meeting its objectives. This individual is often a decision-maker and may be responsible for setting policies and procedures, managing budgets, and guiding the overall direction of the organization.

    In summary, while both "lead" and "principle" refer to roles within an organization, a lead typically refers to someone who manages a team within a specific project or department, while a principle refers to a higher-level individual responsible for guiding the overall direction of the organization."

    In other words, principle defines the workflow, style, etc, while lead ensures the team carries it out.

  • Eric Chadwick
    It’s Prinicipal not Principle, and these titles are all interchangeable. Basically it means someone with at least 5 yrs experience, a kickass portfolio, and great communication/management skills.
  • jordank95
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    jordank95 polycounter lvl 9
    @Alex_J thanks for the help. Though, I did search prior to the post and nothing came up, which is the reason why I posted. Good summary, that helps me wrap my brain around it. Thank you.

    @Eric Chadwick Ah, ok. Ive seen job postings with both spellings, so wasnt sure which to refer to. Thanks for the advice though, helps a lot.
  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    At every studio I've worked at, principal is the promotion path past senior level for people who aren't interested in becoming leads. They're the most experienced and most skilled individual contributor artists at a studio.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    That's one of the two ways it goes 

    most of the studios I've worked at Principal is a grade that comes after Senior  and Lead is a role - It's not that unusual to have a Senior leading a more experienced Principal because the Senior is a better manager. 
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    A Principal Artist is a sort of lodestar or test pilot for a creative company. 
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