Hello, I am not exactly sure what is going wrong with some of the assets in my scene, but the normals maps have baked incorrectly and are displaying weird artifacts in UE5.

I sculpted the asset and then duplicated the repeating sections for the bake in painter. When I did this for my other models, I had no problems, but for assets like this barrel and some crates, I have this weird black shadow that appears on the model and I can see why it is happening in the normal map.

In the painter workspace, I do not see the issue and the surface is flat so I would not expect the variation in the normal map.

Most of the assets in my scene are displaying correct and I use the same workflow for all. Just can't figure these ones out. I have tried resetting, unifying, and using weighted normals in max but the issue is on the normal map itself so this does not work.
Hope someone can help me figure this out. Thanks

I am still trying to figure out a rule of which parts of the mesh can be duplicated/mirrored and which can not in order to avoid this issue. Any advice would still be appreciated.
invert the green channel and see what happens