So am currently learing how to animate and rigging a veichle and am also learning how to texture in substance painter this is where am at currently

So this is the animation that I have made inside of 3Ds max and the setup is like this

I have made a CAT Rig Setup in max and made the main body a bone and the wings and feet and the door to get in a seperate bone then using the animation tools at the bottem of I have made them and imported them into UE5.

picture of the Spaceship in Unreal

Picture of the roughness map in unreal

This is the setup that I have for the texturing in substance painter.
I want to improve my texturing and my animation skills how can I improve those skills ?
Thanks for reading 😊👍
I have also made a cool little scene inside of UE5 just to show of the VFX I have made
Now I haven't used Designer as much as I have with painter so my knowledge with designer is really minimal
I am gonna add some motion blur in PS to add some motion to the scene I have made the scene via making a planet material inside of designer and making it pan in UE5 and I have also made the star background inside of designer too
this is the material that I have made for it inside of UE5
These are how the particles are setup in niagara
any suggestions or feedback is much appreciated
Thanks for reading 😊👍