This is the farthest I've pushed a character before & my first time using XGen from Maya.
The first photo is how I started the day & the last is what I accomplished, not a ton but still progress regardless.
Besides my own critiques, I always appreciate any critique or advice.
This is how it's come along, I didn't do any more sculpting but I understand the need for it. I saw this project as practice & something to make mistakes on. I need to study expression more (as well as the technical skills to accomplish this) and work on my color theory understanding.
The base mesh you're using needs more definition in areas that you're showing. Way too raw. Highly suggest you sculpt the body yourself, if you're still learning, but use the base mesh as a reference.
The pose feels awkward and static. Make the pose yourself and see if you feel any tension in it, adjust until it has less. Then you can use youself as a pose reference. You can push the post after you set a baseline.