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WIP - Modular Flatiron Hotel Building

polycounter lvl 4
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jmadrox616 polycounter lvl 4

Hello, would like some feedback and crit on a project i'm working for in my modeling4game class.
Its still a WIP but I was inspired by the Sentry Building in San Francisco and combining it with a flatiron building in Canada. Its a modular buidling and I'm still in the process of adding trims and materials to the rest of the building.

Any feedback greatly appreciated.


  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage

    I see your image links are from 5 to 8Mb. To get more reactions you could optimize your images (Gimp will do fine) and post them here using Forum Tricks and Embedding IImages: Just google that with the word polycount. The site is being tinkered with and I cant embed a link without looking like a ding dong😣

  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    Great study. The Flatiron is so cool. Creating modular environments off-grid, so they fit on a radial wedge makes the challenge more difficult however you will gain insights earlier than you otherwise would have from it. My advice would be to continue to focus more on clean construction, which is already on display, mesh/texture/scene/files, complete the diorama and assets just to first draft and do not concern yourself with aesthetic repairs, high polish, lighting, or rendering. Unless, obviously your interests lead you to or the assignment asks of it.
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