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Working on a stylized fireplace, looking for some critique

Hey all, currently working on a stylized fireplace and was looking for some critique on the sculpt before Retopo and texture.


  • Fabi_G
    Online / Send Message
    Fabi_G high dynamic range

    Hi! Any references used during the process you can share?

    Some points I find notable:

    • Wooden supports seem like an odd choice considering fire
    • Walls have carved look instead of built from stones look
    • Shape has little room overall, no border to contain the burning material
  • Manrisa

    Hey thanks for the feedback!

    My main source of refrence was the concept art for the fireplace in Sea of Thieves

    Link to their art station: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/eGmN3

    I agree with all your points I felt as though something was off I think the shape is one of the big factors in which may make it seem weird,

    I think with the carved stone compared to it seeming built from stone how would you suggest on fixing that? My initial assumption is to remake the base mesh except instead of having it made out of cubes in which I can add damage and detail in Zbursh, however I always worry that I'm doing things the hard way and that there is an easier method to what I do.

    Another solution I can think of is more horizontal lines to make it seem more like brick, when comparing concept to the game it seems as though the ingame model looks as though it was more made of blockier bricks when compared to the initial concept. Pulling from a bigger refrence pool would of helped me with this I think as the image above is the one that I spent 90% of my time looking at.

    Thanks again for the feedback. Im excited to get back home and start working more on this now with some feedback!!

  • Fabi_G
    Online / Send Message
    Fabi_G high dynamic range

    Ah, cool! Seeing the concept with the scale ref, it's larger than I thought.

    I think the issue with the wall looking carved is due to the stones having very pointy/sharp corners that fit perfectly to each other and the wall surface is quite even, no stone protruding more than others.

    I would consider building the wall from individual stones. Another, maybe faster, way would be to create a tiling texture with the pattern, use it to displace a basic mesh, then sculpt on top.

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