I was using some materials from Bridge as placeholders to plan out my scene. However when I apply the materials to assets in my scene I get this flat color. Does anyone know what causes this and how I can fix this issue so the materials look like how they do in the Bridge preview? Thanks!
Does the geometry have proper UVs?
you don't have any materials applied to your mesh. All the meshes just have 'lambert1' applied to them (see image). You need to setup the materials in Unreal.
here's some info:
@Fabi_G Yes they have proper UV's. Maybe I need to scale them up more...
@sprunghunt I left those blank for now with placeholder mats. I was only refering to the Floor that is using the imported material from Bridge. It's almost looks like it's bringing the quality down in scene. On the preview material ball the material looks correct but when applied to an asset in scene it's appearing blurred.
(I'm gonna scale up/down the UV's and see if that does anything)
To check if it's related to the meshes, you could assign the material to an unreal cube or sphere and check if it works there.
Don't know how those materials are set up, but often times the UV tiling is parameterised, so it can be overwritten in material instances.
What are your computer specs?
Sometimes unreal will downsize textures when memory is scarce, sometimes quite a lot. Not usually to that extent, but I imagine it could happen with a lower spec computer, or with a graphics card that isn't quite compatible. UE eats up a LOT of RAM too.
In that case I suggest you post a picture of the UVs in unreal. Open up the static mesh viewer and hit the 'display Uv's' button. This is to make sure that unreal is importing the UVs correctly.
@sprunghunt Would you be able to show me where the "display UV's" button is in the static mesh viewer?
@Bulldog3dz use the UV dropdown in the Static Mesh Viewer and select the UV set to view
or Unreal Engine 5s UV Editor.