This is a realistic interpretation of the character concept by Yeong gyun lee
I also made a technical breakdown post :
If I had to make my auto critique, I already made a list of the elements that can be easily improved such as the suit for wich I could have gotten better references (and obviously it is only now that I have completed everything and published it on artstation that found the perfect reference and it is from a asset that I have irl, I might give it a rework)
Also the straps... these stratps are kind of a joke if you ask me. the weave goes diagonal for the bust straps and I did not used realy nylon straps pattern (which would have catapulted the believability). Very easy fix as the suit one, but oh man I am tired to always go back and fix stuff on that project... I know it always happens but it feels like it happens abnormaly significantly more for me.
And finaly the edgewear of the helmet that should have had more "scratch based" edgewear/thinned paint and less "ambient based" edgewear/thinned paint as I like to call them. Not sure if this is clear thou.
So here are my main frustrations regartding the texturing but if you have any critique that could help me strive more toward photorealism and I will 100% take it ! And don't hold back on your feedbacks be harsh if it is necessary.
Entire project :
Technical Breakdown :
Feedbacks are welcomed