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For your CV/Resume, do you list what the work's project was, as well as your skills?

polycounter lvl 4
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CostaP polycounter lvl 4

Pretty much title

For professional work where you have developed / helped on a project, either with a team, or mainly created it yourself.

Do you list the aim of the project and the skills you used?

E.g VR project of a room to reduce anxiety.

Skills: Modelled the environment, textured in substance painter, built in Unity

Or just the skills?



  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    anybody can say they have some skills.

    work that you can point to demonstrates whether or not they actually exist.

  • CostaP
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    CostaP polycounter lvl 4

    Ye of course I have a portfolio showcasing said projects.

    But on a CV would you briefly add a line about the project as well as the tasks/skills you did?

  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    sorry, i misunderstood. Yes, I think defining what you did in a project is important.

    I had thought you meant something like, "should I just list skills I have without mention of projects/work?"

  • CostaP
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    CostaP polycounter lvl 4

    lol, I did actually mean that. Maybe it's my wording.

    Do you say?:

    Company A: Project was about blah blah blah

    SKills/Tasks I did was : modelling, texturing etc etc

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    Sure I think that's a pretty normal way to do things. I bet you can find some examples by searching and also checking the wiki here, it's an often asked question.

    One thing to keep in mind, if you are applying to larger companies, its a good chance that there may not even be a human reading the thing, or if there is, it's skim read extremely briefly by somebody looking at hundreds of these things. So probably you want to use list and such to make it very quick and easy to find the most relevant info. Just make it easy to scan.

  • CostaP
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    CostaP polycounter lvl 4


    Ye I had a look at http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Game_Industry#Resumes

    But some pages are rather outdated...one from 2004...lol

  • Benjammin
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    Benjammin greentooth

    IMO, explaining what you did for a given role should be a single sentence. In 2023, a CV's purpose is to point someone to your LinkedIn profile, where you can be as verbose as you want.

    Don't make it longer than a page. Don't do fancy layouts or graphic design (unless you're a graphic designer I guess? Maybe?).

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