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Why does my material look so different in painter vs designer?

Hi , I have recently started to teach myself designer and i have ran into an issue i was hoping someone could help me with . I have made a wood material i was planning on using for a gun stock. I am happy with how to looks in designer so i brought it into a painter file to test it there but it looks pretty different in painter , the dark parts of the wood don't seem to come through as well ( Im thinking this might be an AO issue but i am unsure) and when i enable the height map it seems to really mess up the render. Im still learning so this is probably an small thing that i have missed but if anyone could provide me with any advice i would be super grateful

This is how the wood looks in designer

This is how it looks in painter with out the height map

This is how it looks with the height map

thanks in advance for any help


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