Hello everyone! i imported my LP (and unwrapped) mesh onto substance painter and went to bake my HP mesh that i sculpted off the last one (unwrapped (not the same uv map)) (has the same location and scale as the LP mesh) but the baked maps only take the lp model into consideration like the details don't show up at all. idk how to explain it but basically it's like substance baked the LP mesh only.
there are no overlapping uvs and both files are fbx btw. i took the same resolution for both models. this problem hasn't happened to me before because i used to subdivide my unwrapped LP models then shrinkwrap them on the HP one before exporting them, but i couldn't do that this time since i could only subdivide so much before blender would crash or else i'd lose lots of details.
Hope I was clear enough!! thanks in advance :)
Mysterious :) Can you make files available, so one can take a look? Low and high-poly fbx zipped, some part should be sufficient (should you want to share the whole model), upload somewhere (drive, Dropbox, ...).
Edit: Is the model on the right your low-poly? Looks facetted, remember to split UVs at hard edges, put hard edges to use at steep angles. Maybe this thread contains some information relevant to you: https://polycount.com/discussion/107196/making-sense-of-hard-edges-uvs-normal-maps-and-vertex-counts/p1
Just for the hell of it: import your exported hipoly into the scene with your lowpoly, just to check that the sizes are how you need them to be. If your target is to bake a lowpoly vesion then you don't need uvs on the hipoly.
Hi thanks for your response ^-^ i admit i haven't split the UVs for the LP at all the hard edges but only some of it, i'm not sure if that's the reason why the baking won't work. i took what you said about the LP being facetted into consideration and added a shrinkwrap modifier around the HP one and even a subdivision one but that didn't work out either.
Using your files, baking works for me with default settings. Obviously there are artifacts because of hard edges without split UVs:
Your high-poly is overly heavy: 10.5 million tris, 1.27GBs file size:
Might be too much for your system too handle? Any error messages in Painter? I would try with a decimated high-poly.
I think generally it's more flexible and performant to add non-silhouette details during texturing. Mirroring could help to further optimize high-poly geo and low-poly UVs.
No, weirdly enough i did not receive any error messages in Substance painter. i didn't try decimating the mesh because i thought it'd remove a lot of the details.
Thank you for taking your time to try the baking yourself:) I'll try using your advices (mirroring, decimate) and see if that'll work
i tried this out and both the HP and LP share the same location/scale. Also only the LP mesh has a proper UV map, i didn't unwrap the high poly one
10 million polys should not be a problem for substance baker to bake. I baked a 22 million poly mesh the other day.
But you do need to turn off GPU baking. Most people have too small amount of GPU memory to bake a mesh that high. This link shows you how to turn it off.
GPU Raytracing - Substance 3D bakers
https://substance3d.adobe.com/documentation/bake/gpu-raytracing-172824732.htmlAlso check that you don't have "use low poly mesh as high poly mesh" turned on in the baking settings
@Fabi_G decimated the HP model into a much less heavier model so i was able to use it for baking with no problem.
I'll try turning off gpu baking though, and see if it helps for that case! also no i don't have the use lp mesh as hp checked in my settings
Thanks to @Fabi_G i understood that the main problem for me was that i didn't apply the scale for both my models before exporting them as fbx files. that way i could bake the textures in SP with default settings and all the baked textures turned out well.
There was other problems such as pretty bad UV unwrapping, over-heavy HP mesh file that was espacially too much for my pc to handle, and some parts of my LP model being offset from the HP one (used shrinkwrap to fix that).