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Materials from Library -> Displacement?

polycounter lvl 9
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wilson66 polycounter lvl 9

I have a question regarding the materials from the library in Toolbag 4. Some of the materials, like e.g. 'leather tufted', or many of the rock materials, are displayed with a displacement effect in the preview thumbnails. When I assign the materials to an object though, there is no displacement visible, there is only a normal map.

For the displacement to work there needs to be a displacement map for each material, of course, but where is it? It is not assigned with the materials.

Or should I not take the preview thumbnails too literally, and there just aren't any displacement maps provided with the materials?


  • EarthQuake

    Generally speaking, material types with medium to large-scale details have displacement mapping enabled, while materials with small-scale details have parallax mapping enabled. Materials that are smooth or have very fine details will only have normal map detail. For instance, most of the materials in the Stone category make use of displacement mapping.

    If you've loaded a material with displacement mapping and are not noticing displacement on your model:

    1. Try increasing the intensity of the displacement map with the Scale setting in the Displacement panel
    2. Make sure your mesh topology is dense enough for the displacement to be visible, if using a low poly object you may need to sub-divide it. This can be done in the mesh object's properties
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