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GOB: Neither Blender nor Zbrush send all objects to each other except for the selected one

polycounter lvl 9
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Lifelover polycounter lvl 9

My ZB version is 2022 and Blender 3.2.2. I've been trying to send over models from Zbrush to Blender and back using the GOB plugin. However only the selected subtool gets sent and if modified gets updates across both programs respectively. All subtools that I want to transfer are visible and the object names are different yet something prevents to make it happen. Any idea how to fix that?


  • Ghogiel
    Offline / Send Message
    Ghogiel greentooth

    did you press the button that says "All" instead of the GoZ button to send things over? The GoZ button afaik only sends the selected subtool. Don't know about the GoB plugin and iif works differently to normal

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