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A little Zbrush Question

polycounter lvl 5
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Moctor polycounter lvl 5

This is one of those issues that if I knew the actual terminology for what I need, then I would find it myself immediately.

I would like to make a brush that when used on a surface, it only raises geometry from the same level it was drawn on, without affecting nearby strokes. I've tried automasking, buildup, a bunch of other things too.

these images probably give a better example, I'm using scribechisel to draw a stylized hair clump, and I would like to draw more in close proximity without raising the geo in between them.

my current workaround is just having a base scalp subtool that I keep duplicating and drawing hair onto like in this image (the red strand is another subtool) and then merging/dynameshing everything to make it a single subtool.

<- as you can see I can draw right next to previous strokes without messing with them.

I have a feeling that there's an easier and quicker way to do this using only one subtool.

If anyone can suggest a tool or setting that I'm overlooking please let me know! cheers :)


  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16

    Have you tried polygrouping by normals after a stroke is placed and then masking the desired polygroup?

    Also the Makkon hair brush is pretty useful for controlling hair once you dial in some settings. https://www.funkybunnies3d.com/tools.php at the bottom of the page there is a Tools section. You can work on one subtool (scalp mesh) and all the strands you create are polygrouped for nice control. If you need to really dial in a strand, you can always split the strand off as a separate subtool and deform as necessary.

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