As a secondary animation (no more than, say, a dozen bones or half that), relative to the flow of the main animation.
I'm using Spring Magic (3ds Max script) for now, but it doesn't always look natural and requires a lot of manual edits. I'm wondering if there's a better way to do it. Also, without the need for MassFX or cloth simulation, which would defeat the purpose of simplicity.
This question is mainly aimed at 3ds Max users, even though it's a rather general question and should apply to all 3d modeling/animation software.
it would probably be a spring controller on a target for splineIK which is probably what Spring Magic does for you automatically (though I've not used it) :/
Use cloth simulation, then if you need bones, attach your bones to the simulated geometry using constraints.
I just said without the need for MassFX or cloth simulation.