I didn't see this problem when I was texturing on Substance, nether while rendering on marmoset. Only when I uploaded the model to sketchfab. Anyone knows what I can do to solve it?
link to sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/models/979c158bd6d2463fa07abf5f5db9f94a/edit
link to rendered images: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vJoO83
Looks like you have unwelded/unmerged vertices in those areas. Double check your models.
Sketchfab's tangent space is proprietary, no one knows what it uses and you can't actually bake shit that works with it.
You can try to check tangent/binormals in your fbx export settings but i don't know if Substance/Marmoset even supports it.
Also you could limit the issue with weighted normals or using hard edges/uv splits on your low poly.
it worked, something was wrong in the geometry, I deleted some faces and rebaked and it worked, thank you guys