I'd like to ask you if what I did is fine or maybe it's not the best practise. Frankly speaking, I'm newbie and sculpting & modeling is so cool, I haven't yet gotten into texturing stuff. So here's what I did:
I exported objects to Blender from Zbrush (for UVs I used UV Master) and I exported painted textures from Substance Painter. So far so good. But one of the objects was much too big, so I scaled it down when it's been already textured. It seems my painted textures scaled down automatically together with the mesh. And nothing bad happened! Maybe my question is silly, but why is that?
Should I've changed the scale earlier, before applying textures? Though it looks fine now, will it stay that way after for example exporting to Unreal?
Btw, when you sculp creatures, model buildings and other stuff, when is the last moment you change scale?
Many thanks in advance.
Your textures are assigned to your UV map. Your UV map is locked to vertices on your mesh. When you scale faces, unless you check a certain box, your UV map will not be affected, because each corner of the face is assigned to a static coordinate in the 2D UV texture.
thank you! Now it makes sense. :)