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Sketchbook: Botan (Open to Feedback)

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KidoUmi node

These are the thumbnail sketches for a concept art street scene that I'm making. There will be two of them, both based on street's from another world. Most of these thumbnails are 2-point perspective, though some are 3-point. They all have a large library building, surrounded by other smaller buildings and roads blocked off with walls in order to prevent them becoming infinite. The library has climbing plants on them too. There may be people milling about in the final thing, with the streets illuminated using lampposts. Any constructive feedback is welcome. I am gearing towards the top right and top middle, due to the layout. The top middle is a little more complex as it is 3-point perspective, but would show half the building, with the ground a little distance away. The top right is by far more simpler, so maybe it's a better option. I welcome all feedback on these sketches :)


  • KidoUmi
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    KidoUmi node

    My thumbnail sketches for the Level 4 City Street Scene. These are my sketches for the second street. It is based of the historical town of Ishinomaki; what it was like between the 1600s and the late 1800s. I was trying some more adventurous perspective points, including 5 point and 6 point. I did some practise on it on paper, and it turned out quite well. I have been practising my colouring techniques as well. Thanks to one of the artists I researched, Nathan Fowkes, I learn to reduce what would've taken me 3 to 5 ours, to just 45 minutes. I was amazed, and I plan on using those techniques to get these done sooner.

  • KidoUmi
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    KidoUmi node

    This the colour composition for my first street. I will be doing another, and then choose one to render into the final one. So far, the colours have just been blocked in. The perspective lines have been fixed up, the tiles and the street match each other now and the street in the top right corner has been minimized to stop the library looking so flat. Also, I added a little guard rail to show that tis is someone looking out from a building.

  • KidoUmi
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    KidoUmi node

    This concept art city street was based on Kyoto Japan. It isn't a street that exists in that area, but was influenced by Kyoto's wooden machiya townhouses as well as their hidden gems within those houses backstreets. Zen gardens, tea ceremonies, kimono fitting, shrines, parks just to name a few. I played with the idea.

  • KidoUmi
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    KidoUmi node

    My first attempt at a fisheye perspective piece.

  • KidoUmi
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