I ask cos Adobe has taken it upon itself to remove Linux downloads for personal users now it's on CC . They apparently have them for business users - or steam users still though.
If so - which version are you on? how did you get it? and is there any sign that support will be dropped fully soon?
This has pissed on my chips somewhat. I was hoping to build a usable Linux laptop for toilet/cafe based unity gamedev work and Designer would have formed a pretty significant part of that.
I could get a Mac I suppose but that'd just screw me over some other way and I'd be tarred with that brush forever..
Do yourself a favour and scratch the idea to make games and graphics at Linux. You will miss too much tools and run into permanent trouble. Windows or Mac is the way to go.
I once run Steam version of SD on Ubuntu ( couple years ago maybe) . Just out of curiosity . I had an impression it just runs in a virtual machine of something. But it did worked . Been same slow hell as on Windows although. I haven't noticed any advantages
Substance 3D Designer 2022 on Steam
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1775400/Substance_3D_Designer_2022/Web page says it runs on Ubuntu 16.4 not sure about current one. Never tried Steam OS.
Would be interesting to know how and if it performs on Steam OS .
@Tiles - The only thing that's really missing for me appears to be Designer - Unity works fine so far and barring the fact that I'm forced to deal with blender rather than max I don't see any real problems. I write basically everything else myself and since the majority of that is python or java it'll move straight over.
@gnoop - I saw the steam version worked but as I understand it that'd mean buying another license and I'm not doing that. It's good to know it works at least though.
Okay, then good luck :)
sadly i found this to be too true, no one really compiles for linux, not to high jack thread it is still on topic, all the best op, if you manage something decent some of us would like to hear how you gone about it all.