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WIP - Maz 537

polycounter lvl 10
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andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

Hi!I put a pause on working on my game because I want to work on my portofolio,so I want to create a Maz 537.I chose this truck model because it has a lot of details and I like the look of military trucks.Also,Snowrunner had a major influence,I like the details of their models 😁 .So I first wanted to make sure I have the general proportions and where everything goes,so I've started with the chasis and suspension.Here are some images of the suspension so far.


  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    Back suspension is almost finished,I have to add a couple of rubber shock absorber.I now have to focus on the front suspension,wich is a little more complicated as is independent on each wheel and also has steering mechanism.

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    More or less I consider the suspension done!

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    I've started to work on the transmission,thing is VERY hard to find references.I have tried to fill in the gaps from imagination and it's looking good so far for me.

  • andreygheorghe
  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    I had some free time and since I was bored working on the transmission,I've begun to work on the actual exterior.Here is the update,this time I've captured the screenshots from Marmoset,so they look a bit more nice.

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    Not too much of an update,I didn't had the time to work as much as I wanted on this project.Most of the work was done trying to finish the transmission,but anyway,here are some pictures:

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    Slowly but surely it's coming together.The problem is I already hit 10M polys and 3ds Max is starting to struggle.Anyway,latest update:

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    I did a bit of work on the interior.

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    I've included a side shot because I'm not really sure about the proportions,if anyone modeled a Maz before or has any idea please tell me because the high poly is almost ready and it's hard to make changes after.Considering that it's almost done and it took me a while I like the level of details.If anyone has any critique or wants to give me some feedback I'm more than glad to hear from you.

  • Grubber
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    Grubber polycounter lvl 15

    Looks awesome man. Please post some wireframes as well. Keep it up!

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    @Grubber Thank you man!The wireframes are a bit of a mess since it's still on high poly phase,but here they are 😁 :

  • LuisCherubini
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    LuisCherubini interpolator

    Wow, this is great work!

    Keep it up!

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    @LuisCherubini Thanks!I really appreciate the feedback of the community,it really keeps me motivated and makes me to do better and better! 😉

    I didn't have that much time but i've worked on it in my spare time,here are some details.I still have some work to do on the interior,some on the air tanks,the turret and high poly is ready.

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    Finally,almost ready.I worked a lot on the turret,trying to align it was a tough job,I had to rework almost all the top of the cabin,it turned out it wasn't as clean as i thought.Anyway,I did it,also finished the interior,added some details like screws on the exterior,I've finished the front lights also,like propper materials and the light compartiment.Here is latest update,next step is to start retopo.Cheers guys!

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    I've started working on low poly but I don't have any idea what polycount I should target.I want to be a detailed,realistic model,but same time to be game ready.First I was thinking of about 200k tris,but I did the wheels and only them has ~ 170k so I guess I have to aim higher,question is how high?If anyone can give me some realistic numbers for current gen games I would really appreciate.Here are the wireframes for low poly wheels and chassis:

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    I wasn't happy with the wheels,they still had too much geometry and I've proceed to optimize them after I come from work.Now 1 wheel is ~ 19k tris wich is is better,still a bit too high,but I would like to keep this silhuette so far.I also did a "quick" normal map test and it turned out pretty good,here are the low poly with the normal and a wireframe of the new wheel:

    Edited later,so I won't spam the thread,here is a quick materials in SP:

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    I'm still on retopo,it works kind of slow because I unwrap too so I have less to work on final low poly.Here is latest update:

    Also I've uploaded the model so far on Sketchfab,you can turn on the wires:

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    My thread is kind of dead,so I've decided to give it a bump.I've worked a lot on the model and I've updated the results on Sketchfab constantly,it's taking shape slower that I tought but I will get there eventually.The thing is it has a lot of parts,and even if they are simple shapes like bolts,cilinders,etc. it still takes a lot to retopo them manually.Anyway,I will repost the Sketchfab link,even if it's just a post above 😁

  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    At this stage - looks good.

    "I've started working on low poly but I don't have any idea what polycount I should target.I want to be a detailed,realistic model,but same time to be game ready.First I was thinking of about 200k tris,but I did the wheels and only them has ~ 170k so I guess I have to aim higher,question is how high?If anyone can give me some realistic numbers for current gen games I would really appreciate.

    As an example referencing poly counts.

    I'd first played Gran Turismo back in 1997 on a PS1 when the tri-count was around 300 per car, 13 years later in 2010 for the game's 4th iteration the budget I believe was about 500k for each vehicle on a PS3 but really other similar variables as then still apply today, one being the eventual target engine.

    "I wasn't happy with the wheels,they still had too much geometry and I've proceed to optimize them after I come from work.Now 1 wheel is ~ 19k tris wich is is better,still a bit too high,but I would like to keep this silhuette"

    Also for what it's worth, I agree with the use of explicit geometry rather than floaters in order to preserve your model's overall high res silhouette at LOD0.

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    @sacboi Thanks! Around 500k it's what I had in mind too and I think I can stick to the budget as it has around 280k right now and the most intricate parts are modeled already.Maybe the gauges on the interior will eat more tris,as I want to make them round enough for,maybe,an interior shot.But other parts are big and I think I can get away with lower tri count.As for target engine,this is a model for my portofolio,I will render it in Marmoset so no hard polycount limitation,but still...

    Thanks very much guys and can't wait to begin baking! 🤗

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    Finally I've finished the low poly.I've just started to unwrap but Max just gave an error and I tought I should post this update.It's around 340k tris,so it's really well under my target but I think it looks good.I've posted some pics but I've updated the model on sketchfab too.

    I will resume unwraping but there are around 500 objects so I hope it doesn't give another errors 😅

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    Finally I had some time to work on this model again.It's been a full adventure so far,so let me start from the beginning.

    After I unwrapped every piece I've tried to pack the uv's but seems like 3ds Max doesn't like a large amount of UV chunks as it took like 10 mins to pack them,so I have to look for alternatives.After some searches I've found a plugin,UV Packer,who did the the job surprisingly well and was easy to use,I just needed to enter the padding and messed up with some settings.Here it is the UVs and how they look on the model(the red parts is where I have symmetry):

    After this milestone I tought if I will post the renderers on my artstation I want to pose it on a more dramatic pose so I did a quick rig(srry for music,I forgot to turn it off 😁 ):

    After that I've imported the model to SP and worked on the textures,it's almost ready,the only thing I need to add is the gauges texture:

    Now I just need to finish the textures and pose the model in some scene and this it it,I will post the update here.

    As for some after toughts:

    1.The model ended up WAY lower in texture resolution than I tought at first,even at 4k.It's especially obvious on normal map.Looks like having a lot of UV chunks eats up a lot of space so maybe I've should relied on normal map on more parts.

    2.On my PC Substance Painter can't handle 4k textures very well.Some times the work that I would do in 20 mins it tooks me like 50 beacuse I had to wait for SP to update.I think it uses mostly RAM (?) so I really need to upgrade my workstation.

    3.Time projection.At first I tought I will finish the project in 3-4 weeks as it was somewhat complicated model,I was very wrong.It took me a lot more than the initial projection,first because I have a full time job ,but beside this it was very hard too find references.Even after,as I'm not very experienced with SP I spend more time than I've should texturing(at a time one part of the windshield just inverted like it was backface culling so after I've tried to reimport,I had to basically delete whole layer and do it again).

    Next step is to pose it and to model a decent ground.If anyone want to add give me some tips how to make it more realistic I would be more than greetful!

  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    I'd suggest reading through a workflow breakdown by Ilya Chernobrov for his WW2 Schwimmwagen project which I think you'll find addresses most if not all points you'd raised plus great going btw :)

    80lvl Art-tech Writeup

  • andreygheorghe
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    andreygheorghe polycounter lvl 10

    Finally,it's done.After some back and forth on Marmoset I've discovered the textures doesn't translate to it very good,in particular the roughness.Here are some early tests:

    Also I didn't liked the pose.So I've switched to Unreal for rendering but for the sake of god I didn't managed to make normal textures work on the headlight(glass) material.I've tried all,changing to translucent,messing up with the settings,still no idea how to make it work.It even works on Sketchfab,witch to be honest it looks maybe even better than Unreal 😝 .

    Anyway,since I've spent way too more time on it I will leave it as it is for now.So,the final images:

    You can view more on my artstation: https://www.artstation.com/andreygheorghe

  • teodar23
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    teodar23 sublime tool

    I think the wheel rotation for the second set of wheels is wrong. Its usually half the angle of the first wheels

  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter

    i just kept looking at those UVs shaking my head in disbelief like, "is this allowed now?" i think it might actually be fine to do. art tools and pipelines can do some pretty heavy lifting these days.

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