Hi guys!
I wanted to ask you guys if you know any plugins for Maya that makes easier to manage all scripts and plugins, like if the program crashes you only need to reinstall this plugin instead of all of them one by one..
Is it something like this possible?
I found a plugin that it seems it does something like this, but the interface is all in chinese, I would really like to know know if anyone has a complete English version or a way to translate it..
you can see it in this chinese cg website:
www.iiicg.com/archives/14108 - with some video tutorial, in case anyone is interested:
I really loved the interface and options, i just would love more if it was more in a monochromatic tone maybe..
I couldn't finde the original creator website link anywhere..
I know the MS Toolbox does something like this as well, but i have tried installing and its giving me an error i can't solve..
i would really love any suggestions!
Much appreciated!
I'd normally modify userSetup.py to load the plugins I needed that way. Maya does have an annoying tendency to unload plugins in a random way.
I see..thanks for the suggestion!
I don't have writting code skills yet..can you redirect me to any examples on how to do it?
here's a video tutorial that cover this
Oh nice!
Thanks a lot for your feedback man! 😀