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Need a little help with a postprocess material in ue4

polycounter lvl 2
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FarzinArshadi polycounter lvl 2


currently I'm using a celshader material I found in ue4 marketplace to make an environment scene

I am facing an issue where I want printed dots on the scene as postprocess material but the way the martial was set up it tries to tile the dots texture and the final image looks weird

some parts the dots are stretched or overlapping

I was wondering if anybody knows a way to fix this in the material

the texture I've got tiles perfectly btw, so I don't think that is the issue

Thank you


  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    its happening because you're using triplanar mapping for the texture projection. I'm not sure where the spherical warping is coming from but I imagine that's something to do with the projection function

    this sort of thing is a bit tricky to handle - anything other than some sort of world space mapping will lead to the texture swimming and the techniques I've seen that are able to get around this either involve marking up the models in some way or require access to features unreal doesn't expose

    i'm assuming you want the pattern to remain world locked and to project onto surfaces ?

    Are you able to use the object UVs or are you trying to be completely independent of them?

  • FarzinArshadi
    Offline / Send Message
    FarzinArshadi polycounter lvl 2

    Thanks for your reply

    I had a guess that it could be the triplanar mapping but wasn't sure if I could change it to something else or if it's even possible

    I'm trying to avoid UVing the models since I won't be using textures but to explain better what I'm trying to go for, I'm just using basic materials for the environment and objects and wanted the dots to show on them but not just like an overlay texture on the camera, more like a doted texture on the actual objects and models so it moves with them if possible

    Sorry btw I'm bad at explaining

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    I understand,

    I'd have to actually try it out but I suspect you can do something with object positions and a some UVs to help with keeping the texture stuck to objects. you'd need another solution for the sky if your camera is going to be freely moving but that'd be relatively simple I think (some sort of squashed spherical mapping would probably work)

  • FarzinArshadi
    Offline / Send Message
    FarzinArshadi polycounter lvl 2

    Thank you

    I'll look into the things you mentioned and see if I can find anything, really appreciate your help

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