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[WIP] Cybertaur

polycounter lvl 8
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loshmiii polycounter lvl 8

Hey guys,

I hope you're doing well. 😊

Few days ago, out of nothing, I have decided to start a new project. It's Cybertaur. Basically, Minotaur was never killed by Theseus and in some future Minotaur had to adopt some new technologies.

I had some model of sci-fi legs (inspired by Halo wars) that I have never used for anything, so I have decided to use them for this project (for that reason they do have details, while rest of the mesh do not). Also model of the Minotaur is reworked model that I have created previously. Beside legs, I would like to create some model of sci-fi axe and maybe small details on one of the arm. I have imagined body of Minotaur like a bit relaxed and not over muscular.

At this point, I'm still in very early stage and a lot of change be made. Also some parts of the body or head are not defined at all.

I would like to work on this model with all of you (I mean your critiques, suggestions, feedback, etc...). Please feel free to give me any kind of advice so that I can make this model much better.


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