For some reason, by default, the color for UV shells that are pinned in the UV Editor in Maya is bright sky blue with the wireframe also being bright blue. It's extremely hard on the eyes to see this wireframe because it's blue on blue. Anyone know how to change that bright blue color of the pinned UV mesh? I'd even settle on being able to change the color of the wireframe of the UV shells when working in the UV editor. Anything to make things easier to see. I've searched around but haven't found anything yet.
This is how the wireframe looks when I'm at least hovering over it and it highlights red:
Don't know for sure, but could this change the relevant color?
[Edit: Just tested; it works]
Windows -> Settings/Preferences -> Color Settings
Oh thank GOD. Thank you so much, this did exactly what I wanted and now my eyes aren't suffering lol. I very much appreciate it. You're a lifesaver. 🙏