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Baking albedo with taking translucency into account?

polycounter lvl 6
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AlexandrL polycounter lvl 6

Hi guys

Lets imagine a plane with a checkerboard texture. On top of that we have another plane made of glass which are semi transparent. We can see checker pattern through them, but pattern are become blurry cause glass are dirt and a bit rough.

Is there a way to bake albedo to one single plane which will take into account the glass. So in the end out albedo should be blurry on some spots because of the imperfection of glass surface.

Is that even possible in marmoset, no? Was try make it but only can get in on renders, not the bake.


  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter

    okay so, what causes a material to distort or blur is called a refraction shader. the effect can be driven by a variety of texture types, it depends on how the shader is created.


  • AlexandrL
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    AlexandrL polycounter lvl 6

    Im not about how to make refraction. Im about how to (if that possible) to bake it (NOT render with camera as regular picture).

  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter

    uh, okay, so you want to bake a blurry, semi-transparent glass into an albedo texture within marmoset. am i understanding you correctly?

    and we both know that an albedo isn't transparent, so i assume you'd want to fake some sort of backdrop behind the glass, is that correct?

  • AlexandrL
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    AlexandrL polycounter lvl 6

    Thats what i want. I want to bake HP poly into low poly with taking refraction into account.

    So in the end baked map for albedo should look something like this:

    Its just a test model for showing idea. Real models are way more complicated geo, so its not just a plane with a texture with blurred left side.

    In real cases its object wrapped around with thin semitransparent films and so on.

  • EarthQuake

    We're working on bringing light baking bake to Toolbag. We're currently investigating whether it will be possible to bake more complex effects like SSS and refraction. We're not sure if that's feasible yet, but we're researching it. No promises but *fingers crossed*.

    As Cory mentions, when baked it won't be a dynamic effect, so I'm not sure how useful it will be if it works, but I'm curious to see what people will be able to use it for if we get it in.

  • AlexandrL
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    AlexandrL polycounter lvl 6

    My case: video game assets. Something like this: https://imgur.com/siKecPR

    Please ignore geometry issue and texture stretching. It was a quick model just for texturing test purpose :)

    I saw stuff like that in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Despite the fact its a 100% fake and no dynamic effect, it still can look more than acceptable and its literally free for GPU performance.

    But im pretty sure it can be usefull for other CG stuff. Some quick renders, or maybe a background objects where true refraction isnt necessary.

    p.s Love Marmoset! :) Thank you guys to bring this software to life! 

  • EarthQuake

    Ah yes, this would work pretty well with a baked map. Thanks for the example!

  • dibitbahchu

    Ah yes, this would work pretty well with a baked map. Thanks for the example!

    Hi, are there any updates on baking Albedo in Marmoset with refraction included? I'm currently working on an in-game project which relies on such technique, and I can't find any info on the topic. 
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