I've been having a problem for a while now that I've mostly just ignored or worked around, but I figure it's time to save time by finding an actual solution. My workflow for creating high-poly assets is to create boolean primitives in Maya, then import them to ZBrush so I can use its Live Boolean function. Once it's all finished, I Dynamesh and smooth crisp edges to my liking. This has been working great for me, with one nagging problem.
Occasionally whenever I import geometry into ZBrush from Maya, the geometry is duplicated directly over itself in a perfect 1:1 ratio. Obviously it's very hard to spot because of this. The problem occurs when I try to apply my booleans into one mesh. The geometry tries to overlay its own overlapping topology and freaks out, creating a buggy monster that doesn't like being Dynameshed.
Here are some photos:
This is a simple mesh that I completed using a few booleans and it's ready to apply into one mesh. The topology looks completely fine in this state, if I were to preview it.
But when I apply my booleans, you can see that one of the primitives has overlapping geometry and gives you this monster instead of a decent cylinder. You can see the difference between the green, blue, and pink booleans that do not have overlapping geometry.
If I import the primitive into Maya, I can double-click to select all faces and delete, giving me only one mesh.
This seems to only occur when I import meshes over existing meshes in ZBrush. Since importing always overrides the selected subtool, I normally import assets by inserting a Sphere3D, then importing my primitives from Maya over the Sphere3D. How can I fix this issue? Is this a known bug?
Thanks for the help.
I'm getting pretty tired of all the importing and exporting...
I guess you have double checked the meshes in Maya before export by selecting one vert and activating select connected? Once the mesh is imported you can select one tool, activate auto groups, hide one group and then delete hidden. That should work.