We are looking for a talented 2D artist to conceptualize and design a set of 2D artworks which will be used as game cards.
There are a total of 20 items that the artist is required to create.
We are looking for the artist to come on-board and work closely with our creative team to conceptualize them (as line drawings), create color variations and palettes and deliver the images in required resolutions for our team.
References and Notes: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOgO8IHg=/?share_link_id=431691216083
The link above explains in brief the type of artworks we are looking for including references we have aggregated (they are some references to be collected which is being done)
This is an immediate requirement and we are looking for the artist to start work immediately.
We would need all these artworks delivered in 30days.
Budget: 1,000USD
please send your portfolios here - adam (at) midnightlogic (dot) io