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maya mesh overlaping problem


mesh overlaps my retopo

i want it to be like on his video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpDWta5O3n8&ab_channel=FlippedNormals

also, why it so hard in maya to make a poly-bridge between two quads with shift?


  • okidoki
    Offline / Send Message
    okidoki polycounter lvl 2

    Maybe if you show your whole screen someone can see what you didn't enabled/disabled 🤷 ?

  • scraffcoff
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    there isn't enough geometry to match the live surface, so the quad draw surface is getting hidden behind it.

    you can either adjust vertex at either end so the connecting edge is not occluded, or quickly switch to the multi-cut tool to drop in some edges where it is difficult with quad draw. Hold ctrl + middle mouse IIRC and the multi-cut tool will drop an edge at midpoint between two vertices.

    Sometimes it is easier to build the basic shell without live surface enabled at all, using the normal modeling tools. Make it so that it is just a bit larger than the target surface.

    Then you can enabled quad draw and just use the smoothing tool to "stick" the new model onto the live surface. Then you can subdivide the new model and repeat as necessary. That works pretty well. Fast and easy way to get simple, clean geometry without fighting the tools limitations.

    Don't get trapped in thinking that quad-draw is a one-tool that does it all. You have the entire suite of tools all available to you. If a vertex is trapped and you can't get at it, just press W, switch to wireframe view, grab it directly and move it where you want. It's just a few key presses and it will become muscle memory pretty fast. Mayas middlemouse feature where it remembers last axis/plane that you made a transform change on is key to working fast like this.

  • Ghogiel
    Offline / Send Message
    Ghogiel greentooth

    1 you are showing virtually no geometry that would be able to actually cover the highpoly

    2 Quad draw is limited for retopo in that it doesn't have an offset parameter. Meaning what ever curved surface you retopo, the mesh will clip into and under the surface of the high poly and not cover the mesh in the best way. So if needed in a particular situation, you have to find another way push verts out from surface to get your retopo to sit over the the high poly better eg conform. Because quad draw has no way to modify the blue transparency material overlay, it can be hard to see what the geometry you are making is doing in relation to the surface you are drawing on at times, you have to move the camera around a lot/ come out of the quad draw to see your actual mesh on occasion.

    I have no idea why quad draw just doesn't have an offset parameter since it exists for other tool in maya

  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter


    what about Surface Offset? Is that not what you mean when you say "offset parameter"?

  • Ghogiel
    Offline / Send Message
    Ghogiel greentooth

    I guess Im blind lol

  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    it still doesn't eliminate the problem entirely in my experience. But it does help often.

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