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Is it weird to ask someone on Artstation how their last outsource studio was?

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SimonKl triangle

I never worked freelance before and today out of the blue I got an offer from an outsource studio. Panicked a bit first and I'm definitely excited.

I'm frantically reading through all posts regarding freelancing (since I actually didn't plan to start with feelancing already) and how much to charge and so on and so forth. I couldn't find any posts about what is okay and not okay to ask from literally strangers about their ex-job.

Is it considered inappropriate?

Any thoughts on outsourcing studios?


  • EarthQuake

    It's normal to ask these sorts of questions if you know someone already. As far as complete strangers, you can try but I wouldn't expect a response, and if you get one I wouldn't expect much detail/you may get a very generic response like "oh yeah working with them was fine", because they don't know you and don't know if they can trust you not to blab if they give you their honest opinion.

  • SimonKl
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    SimonKl triangle

    Thank you for the insight. Makes total sense - why would they trust a stranger.

    I guess I am just scared of charging the wrong amount at my first freelance opportunity. I really can't evaluate the budget of this studio nor do I have any experience. Don't wanna mess this up. 😣

  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    These might come in handy:

    (was lucky enough to pick this up off of the web - though wait-time sucked since I'm located on the other side of the planet)

    Graphic Artists Guild Handbook, Pricing & Ethical Guidelines


    Polycount Freelance Wiki

  • Eric Chadwick

    I also highly recommend that book. Many libraries carry it, if you don't want to buy.

    Even if the library has a copy that's 2-3 years old, it's still a jam-packed gold mine, and not that much changes from year to year.

  • SimonKl
    Offline / Send Message
    SimonKl triangle

    Thank you guys for the recommendation of the book. I'll see if I can get it at the library right away, seems like a must-have for anyone, freelance or not.

    @sacboi Thanks for the Wiki link, I was reading through this frantically yesterday already haha.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    never hurts to send a fire and forget question.

    Like mentioned most people probably just ignore random query from a stranger but every once in awhile somebody might help you big time. You'll always miss the opportunity if you don't ask.

    Easier you make question to answer the more likely somebody will bother. In other words, word a specific question that a definite answer can be given for.

    If you ask something pure opinion like, "did you like it there?" you'll either get a non-response like, "yeah it was fine" or somebody who has chip on shoulder and uses you as opportunity to vent. They might be right but they might be the problem - you have no way to know.

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