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Matte Painting Feedback

Hello, I've been learning and training myself in matte painting as this is a career I would like to pursue in the future. I've tried to merge to images together to look like the past and future of a single world and Would love some feedback on what can be improved in this image.


  • Choop7
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    Hi there,

    Two interesting pieces. Unfortunately, there is no visible indication leading the viewer to connect both scenes as the same location in separate times. Something has to carry over from one image into the next. This may be easier to do if you made the split horizontally instead of vertically.

    The mountains in the back may be helpful to do this, as they would remain for long periods of time.

    Create clear pieces of the environment that inform the view that they are seeing the same location.

    Neat idea, I hope this helps.

  • KidoUmi
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    KidoUmi node

    This is a very interesting composition. I noticed the tall rock formations in the distance on the left resemble the tall cyberpunk buildings on the left. That's very good attention too detail. Though there seem to be more rock formations amidst the fog. This gives the idea that these rock formations were broken down and destroyed to build the big city, due to the leafless-tree resembling that of one that has been chopped down and shedded it's leaves. The rocks could have degraded away overtime, perhaps chipped at or turned to sand and smaller rocks. I am unsure if this is the intended impression, as it seems unlikely that such large rocks would rot away like that. Think Stonehenge, the Pyramids, mountains and caves. Despite civilisation and architectural development, these massive rocks have stayed right where they are. It would be more convincing, I think, if they were shown on the right, perhaps as a city monument, perhaps with an illuminated fountain built around to show modernism. A public city landmark of some sort. The painting is very skillful and impressive in terms of composition, lightning and perspective however. Well done you

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