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Illustration and Concept artist Open for Commissions

Commissions open! Painting illustration of your OC's, fanart of your choice and more.

Hi everyone my name is Jovan Terzioski - Yoki and I am an illustrator and concept artist. I'm doing semi-realistic fantasy illustrations of characters that are OC's, from games, movies etc ..

I am doing illustrations of characters in the style of splash arts, the style of card games, etc. I will also put here links of my portfolio and commission sheet so you can check them out.

Portfolio link: https://www.artstation.com/yokiterzioski

My other social media links: https://linktr.ee/YokiTerzioski

Commission info doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ysG_yZYyEJhFz14OP2x196-dmYJVMd-9XrPZmcrVYnY/edit?usp=sharing

If you would like piece in my style of your character and help me at the same time, contact me via email: jokiterzioski@gmail.com

Thank you so much, would love to work with you! ^_^

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