Hello, please tell me why I can not set the height of the texture?
- import mset
- import os
- desktop = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~')), 'Desktop')
- mset.importModel(os.path.join(desktop, "temp.fbx"))
- baker = mset.BakerObject()
- baker.outputPath = os.path.join(desktop, "bake.png")
- baker.outputSamples = 4
- baker.outputBits = 8
- baker.edgePadding = "Custom"
- baker.edgePaddingSize = 5.0
- baker.outputSoften = 0.0
- baker.outputSinglePsd = False
- obj_list = [obj for obj in mset.getAllObjects() if isinstance(obj, mset.MeshObject)]
- group = baker.addGroup("Bake group")
- low_group = group.findInChildren("Low")
- for i, obj in enumerate(obj_list):
- obj.parent = low_group
- material = mset.Material()
- material.name = "mat_" + obj.name
- material.assign(obj)
- baker.multipleTextureSets = True
- print(baker.getTextureSetCount())
- for i in range(0, baker.getTextureSetCount()):
- baker.setTextureSetWidth(i, 1024)
- #baker.setTextureSetHeight(i, 1024) # OverflowError: unsigned byte integer is greater than maximum
Thanks for the report, we'll have a fix for this in the next build.
@EarthQuake I am still getting this error. Any updates on when that build will come out?