Trying to recreate what Simon Houdini has done in this tutorial in Unreal - Rendering only what's inside a sphere and culling everything outside of it, but kind of at a loss. Does anyone how he has done this? It's exactly what I'd like to implement in a mobile game im working on.
It looks like he just made the geometry the right shape to me
You can use custom stencils to mask what gets rendered - it wont be a 3d effect though, just a 2d mask
I think he just made the geometry the right shape in this example - unless I'm missing something
@poopipe Thanks for the reply! I Asked him in the youtube comments and he mentioned he just made the geo in Houdini and using a spherical mask in Unreal to mask it out.
you could create a material function (have that MF referenced by ALL scene material parents) containing a spheremask and :
1/ lerp with reflectionvector + a sky cubemap to remain an opaque material
2/ dynamically (blueprint) switch to an alpha material equivalence and use the spheremask as opacity mask
3/ use the spheremask along with Pixel depth offset (let you remain Opaque while looking like Alphatest/dithering)
in game production you'd need the blueprint to cull what's not visible to get rid of the drawcalls