Does anybody have some experience including a lot of high-quality video with their game (maybe an hour or more worth of instructional videos)?
Is there any techniques to reduce the video memory size without sacrificing quality? Is it possible to host videos on youtube and stream into the game?
Any offline solutions that could allow so much video in the game without bloating size by 20gb’s or more?
TIA for any advice.
Maybe with Bink video, now it's included into UE:
Thanks I am looking further into that.
I also see this here: Play a Video Stream | Unreal Engine Documentation
So it is possible to stream from youtube for example into the game. But ideally players dont need internet access so I'll see if its possible to get all the video needed into the game directly. Maybe it doesnt have to be high resolution to fill whole screen, or maybe i can just have lots of super short snippets just to show certain things. I just don't wanna go from a 5gb download to a 30gb donwload and only difference is video.