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combined mesh

polycounter lvl 10
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sympatik polycounter lvl 10

It is convenient to have a mesh made up a central body with its own uv/textures/materials (say, 3 materials, 2048 uv), upon which will be parented other parts/meshes each with 1-2 materials and 512 uvs?


  • Eric Chadwick

    Yes, this is possible.

    However, this choice will depend on many factors.

    You must provide more information about the context where asset will be used.

    Screenshots for a portfolio piece?

    Asset viewable in a playable game?

    What kind of game, what delivery hardware, what other assets are visible, etc.?

    All of these factors influence the choices you have made.

  • sympatik
    Offline / Send Message
    sympatik polycounter lvl 10

    Hi Eric. It is a playable character, for either Unity 5 o Unreal 5.

  • sympatik
    Offline / Send Message
    sympatik polycounter lvl 10
  • Eric Chadwick

    Need more information. A character to be used in an actual game will require you to consider performance constraints.

    How will the model be seen, from an overhead tactical camera? Over-the-shoulder camera? Closeup facial camera for in-game cinematics?

    How many characters will be shown at the same time? This affects performance/frame rate.

    What kind of hardware is the game going to run on? This affects performance/frame rate.

    Is the character customizable in-game by the user? What exactly can they customize?


    Conversely, making a character model for a portfolio piece is much much easier.

  • sympatik
    Offline / Send Message
    sympatik polycounter lvl 10

    Hello Eric. The model is the rifle of which the sling I'm talking about in the other thread: seen from 3d person. Not customizable with other parts than the ones listed. I don't know abou hardware and the rest: I've though that anything may be scalable, with both engines today.

    Rifle body 1024 map, scope 512, retractile stock 512, sling 512, handle 512, mag 512, bullet 128. 1 central piece plus 6 parented pieces (including the moving barrel, which is mapped into the body uv).

    All this just for the sake of avoiding a 2048 or (worse) 4096 map just for an assault rifle as a whole and to gain better details for each part (I tried to map all of this into a 1024 map, but the details of writings and the rest was very poor).

    I guess that 512 maps per each sholuldn't be anymore an issue with today's engines.

  • Eric Chadwick

    Sounds like you're not making it for a specific game.

  • sympatik
    Offline / Send Message
    sympatik polycounter lvl 10

    Not specific. Althoug for now I have in mind to use this rifle alongwith the character into a canvas for Unity.

  • Eric Chadwick

    OK so for a portfolio piece it doesn't matter what tech specs you use.

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