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Substance Painter Atlas and UV mismatch?

polycounter lvl 3
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ColMatrix polycounter lvl 3

Hello all!


Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read my post.

I have imported an FBX from 3ds Max into Substance Painter. I have added a pre generated Texture Atlas (Base Colours only) to a Fill layer, unfortunately certain objects within the model display the incorrect colour, in 3ds Max all objects display the correct colours. It is almost as if the UV's are misaligned.

Implemented Albedo (Atlas_Albedo). This texture consists also of many 4x4 pxl colours top left.

Exported UV image from 3ds Max (for reference only, UV's within FBX are used).

Magnified image of the Albedo 4x4 coloured blocks.

Substance Painter Fill options (Painter_Fill_Options), no transformations added to Fill layer.

Doe anyone have any idea why certain objects display the incorrect colours? Or rather, why the UV's dont match exactly as is placed in 3ds Max? Unfortunately I am unable to provide the 3ds Max or Substance painter files. 


Substance Painter Version 7.4.2 Build 1551


Many thanks in advance


  • ColMatrix
    Offline / Send Message
    ColMatrix polycounter lvl 3

    ok, after further investigation I have gathered the following information, which may solve/explain the issue, but brings more questions to be answered.

    Within 3ds Max (UV Editor -> Preferences -> Filter Map) when the Filter Map is enabled, I could see the blurriness of the edges mixing the solid coloured boxes together. In Photoshop, windows etc, this bluriness was not visible, they are nice and crisp (As when Filter Map is off)). Therefore I never considered the bluriness existed. Which meant, I had my UV Shells in the middle, but at the 4x4 pxl box with an edge distortion of roughly 1 pxl at each edge meant much of the UV islands where not a solid colour anymore, but moving roughly into the gradient.

    I also realised, that I exported the image in 300 dpi @ 2048 pxl. I changed this to 72 dpi @ 2048pxl making a huge difference to the edge distortion. Scaling the Boxes to 10 x 10 pxl and changing the image resolution resulted in much less edge distortion.

    A question, is it possible to export an image without this edge distortion? Or will their always be edge distortion with Raster images?

    Many thanks in advance

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    Whether filtering occurs or not depends on the shaders used.

    AFAIK it's not something you can change in painter without a custom shader.

    Filtering isn't the only issue you'll face when you do this. Mipping will also cause you problems.

    If you use 64*64 blocks of colour you are unlikely to encounter problems

    Just so someone says it.. this really isn't a good way to approach unwrapping -especially for painter. I assume this is just to quickly get colours down for a blockout or something - in which case, it's better to autounwrap and then mask color layers using uvshell selection inside painter

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