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[3ds Max] How can I adjust distance gap between groups / elements?



I'm trying to adjust distance between groups / elements.

Is there any possible way though...?

For single objects, there's a script called Scale Move Tool by Joel Hewitt

I have no idea how to achieve this for groups or elements.

I can't use scale because it ruins the meshes' scale obviously.


For the stairs, it's one mesh and I want each element inside to have some gaps between.

I scaled it down in the screenshot to demonstrate, but I want them to be the exact same size.


For the groups example, the same logic is applied.

I want to adjust only the distance without ruining their sizes.


I would be appreciative for any solutions!

Thank you.


  • Eric Chadwick

    For a selection of separate objects, lock their scale transforms (Hierarchy panel, Link Info, lock X Scale), and scale down on X axis by selection center. This will move them apart without scaling them.

    Oops, no. Tried it out, here's a better way:

    For a selection of separate objects, set the transform center to Use Pivot Point Center, then scale on X (or whatever axis is perpendicular to the gap). If non-uniform scale is a bad thing (usually is) then use Reset Xform utility afterwards, and Collapse the modifier stacks.

    For elements, I would detach them into objects first, do the above, then just attach them back together.

    If a Group, open the Group first

  • Eric Chadwick

    If you need each object to retain the same original dimensions, I'd suggest recreating them with one of the Align tools, like using the Spacing Tool to duplicate them evenly along a Spline.

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