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Tankzilla Tankhead Fanart

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np1094 polycounter lvl 7

This would be my next and final project on the tankhead series by Emmerson Tung. The king of monster himself: Tankzilla. This time I'm using Zbrush for the modeling part.


  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7

    Moving on to some refinement and remove that ugly sculpted look

  • Lukes3D
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    Lukes3D triangle

    Some observations

    Some of the shapes still look too organic/bumpy for metal.

    The tail needs to be tapered more.

    It would probably look better with 5 toes, but I guess your basing it off a premade concept. I can barely find any reference images though from a quick google search.

  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7

    hey thanks for the comment.

    Yeah still working on refinement, when i clean up it will get rid of the bumpy sculpt look, Still need some more refinement to nail down the joint movement and secondary form. I'm working on the body, legs and tail next. I extend the tail a bit, since I like the godzilla in the movies and it usually have longer tail.

    Just realize I type the concept artist name wrong, it Emerson Tung https://emersontung.artstation.com/projects/XBlyJD

  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7

    Finished clean up the leg

  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7

    It has been a while since I last update due to life stuff. Here is the current progress for the Tankzilla. I brought him from Zbrush to Blender to finish the rest of the retopo and clean up.

  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7
    Been a while, but I am still working on it, more detail and color block out 
  • iam717
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    iam717 interpolator
    Whew, i thought you where already texturing.

    Those handle bar looking things all over look a bit thicker and closer to the mesh i'd start looking at the shapes now, you got a great base to configure this thing to match the concept closer.  I really like this, had i'd seen it 1st :). (we want to make all things more or less don't we.)

    I'll live doing it myself through you, by trying to help you achieve it, better yet try an msg the artist and see what he might want to say? if anything at all, they be busy after all, so if they do not say anything, it is what it is, take no offense

    The panels on the tail are thic/wider and that gray/grey part with the circle/cylinder is looking like its under and deeper inside the tail, looking 1 above the 533 one, i like the idea of that one, the others i think are just attempting to replicate that one, but 2d world compared to 3d world can only do so much i guess.

    Tail is TAPERING down (i had to learn about tapering recently, again) the shield at the front starting the tail is more into the body, starting the tank tread bottom side, your backside wheel in comparison is huge, now thinking bout that backside wheel i thought it can't really swing left to right as it walks, then immediately thought, put a spinner "cylinder object", to rotate the wheel in the direction it wants to walk in, then it works.  (Like a dogs wag, are my thoughts/in-visioning.)

    I also think the same handles we spoke of earlier are in the form of a ladder style in the way that you could climb this beast, so more tilted to someone being able to climb him.  (obviously not by its size but that idea looks nice in my head) more interesting than "straight" up.
    That exhaust in the back looks like it is open to moving about, to cut that piece behind the tail pipe exhaust spikes, so it can be adjusted upwards and back downwards, as if it could "speed" and when speed up the exhausts adjust straight back to blow all that smoke away.
    The head on the concept looks like it is bigger than everything else, the forearm atm looks bigger in yours compared to concept.
    feet nails look shorter in concept than model.

    Stopped here because your screen shot angles make me want to "not help", we need at least straight angles towards the concept pose or front back side to help mold this for better C&C for you, this is probably why no one has really come in to help upto this point.  Bluntly the overall shapes and structure of the object is off from what i can see, yes this is a bit tough of a model to pull off but it looks good and i hope you re-create it in 3D nearing 1:1 if possible so do not give up you got a great base now, if your are burnt out over it, put it aside and go to something else and come back and re-review it and perhaps you will see the same thing.  Take your version and overlay it on-top of the concept, then look at the shape differences.

    I'd continue for the entire model but idk how you feel about remolding all this at the lowest level, zbrush has some good adjusters now in the updates 2021+ so the rework might not be to bad if you use those along with soft settings in any of the other 3d apps, it might feel like a lot but it isn't if you take it one step at a time one area at a time, no less than a couple of days 2+ maybe more.

  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7
    iam717 said:
    Whew, i thought you where already texturing.

    Those handle bar looking things all over look a bit thicker and closer to the mesh i'd start looking at the shapes now, you got a great base to configure this thing to match the concept closer.  I really like this, had i'd seen it 1st :). (we want to make all things more or less don't we.)

    I'll live doing it myself through you, by trying to help you achieve it, better yet try an msg the artist and see what he might want to say? if anything at all, they be busy after all, so if they do not say anything, it is what it is, take no offense

    The panels on the tail are thic/wider and that gray/grey part with the circle/cylinder is looking like its under and deeper inside the tail, looking 1 above the 533 one, i like the idea of that one, the others i think are just attempting to replicate that one, but 2d world compared to 3d world can only do so much i guess.

    Tail is TAPERING down (i had to learn about tapering recently, again) the shield at the front starting the tail is more into the body, starting the tank tread bottom side, your backside wheel in comparison is huge, now thinking bout that backside wheel i thought it can't really swing left to right as it walks, then immediately thought, put a spinner "cylinder object", to rotate the wheel in the direction it wants to walk in, then it works.  (Like a dogs wag, are my thoughts/in-visioning.)

    I also think the same handles we spoke of earlier are in the form of a ladder style in the way that you could climb this beast, so more tilted to someone being able to climb him.  (obviously not by its size but that idea looks nice in my head) more interesting than "straight" up.
    That exhaust in the back looks like it is open to moving about, to cut that piece behind the tail pipe exhaust spikes, so it can be adjusted upwards and back downwards, as if it could "speed" and when speed up the exhausts adjust straight back to blow all that smoke away.
    The head on the concept looks like it is bigger than everything else, the forearm atm looks bigger in yours compared to concept.
    feet nails look shorter in concept than model.

    Stopped here because your screen shot angles make me want to "not help", we need at least straight angles towards the concept pose or front back side to help mold this for better C&C for you, this is probably why no one has really come in to help upto this point.  Bluntly the overall shapes and structure of the object is off from what i can see, yes this is a bit tough of a model to pull off but it looks good and i hope you re-create it in 3D nearing 1:1 if possible so do not give up you got a great base now, if your are burnt out over it, put it aside and go to something else and come back and re-review it and perhaps you will see the same thing.  Take your version and overlay it on-top of the concept, then look at the shape differences.

    I'd continue for the entire model but idk how you feel about remolding all this at the lowest level, zbrush has some good adjusters now in the updates 2021+ so the rework might not be to bad if you use those along with soft settings in any of the other 3d apps, it might feel like a lot but it isn't if you take it one step at a time one area at a time, no less than a couple of days 2+ maybe more.

    Thank you for the detail feedback.
  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7
    It has been so long since post any update on my tankzilla, lots of irl stuff happen and I keep pondering over what gimmick should I give this guy beyond being a fan art, find something I didn't like and redo it. I have the idea when looking up some gunpla kits whose armors could open up to expose the inner frame. 

  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7
    Been a while, so i scrap the moving armor idea, it taking too long and i want to wrap this up. I redo a few parts to match the concept better. 
  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7
    Adding more details to the highpoly using floaters, mesh decals and some extra panel lines

  • np1094
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    np1094 polycounter lvl 7
    This is going to be a big art progress dump. Putting it into subtance, finish baking the normal, and a first texture pass.

    Rig the model, and a short animation to check for the articulations 

    Import everything into marmoset and set up the scene for lighting and render. experiment with different poses and found one that i like

    Start tweaking with the lighting.

    This is the final render and lighting set up that I decide to go with, also add some props around the foot for scale, and also a thumbnail.

    Add some final touches with photoshop, some extra highlights, subtle effects, color correction.

    You can check for more images on my artstation page, with turntable and marmoset viewer. Thank you for watching! 

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