Long story short, one degree and 2 years of professional experience later, I am going to move away from my architectural designer job and will study a different career path that will give me more creative opportunities in the workplace. I am starving for more creative work that will make my day-to-day desk job more enjoyable. My current job is just not satisfying at all and by looking at the job requirements of higher ranked architect positions make me feel more depressed. I'd rather take a risk and try out something new to see what it is like to be a 3D Environmental artist. I studied other jobs like set design, VFX, character modeler, animators, and they all do not sound right to me, so I am very on-board with the environmental artist career category.
Obviously I'm not quitting my current job yet until I get hired by a company that fits my creative needs (gaming? film?). I live in Los Angeles so I am in a good area for jobs. Maybe I'll end up just doing freelance as a side gig without quitting my architecture career completely. Who knows? I am very happy and excited to discover more about myself and how I want to enjoy my career life ahead.
My goal in the next 9 months is to pay for an online night class (CG Spectrum) to learn Maya and Zbrush to hopefully have a serious portfolio to be considered for work. I have zero experience with those programs and I know this software is what most job postings require. My architecture portfolio does not meet the visual appeal of how other 3D Environmentalist portfolios look. By the time I'm done with that class I'll already have a good enough portfolio to start job hunting.
Thank you for reading. If you have any advice that you think I may not know, please drop a reply. I don't know anyone in this career to seek advice from so any encouragement/guidance is appreciated. I'm listening to the Game Dev podcast and it is so amazingly helpful to learn from professionals. I am continuing to do more research before I start my class in a few weeks. I am already looking at ArtStation too to see what I am up against. I love the idea of competitions and want to be good enough to participate in those too.
just my thoughts on the topics
I was going to add some advice but neox seems to have nailed it.
If you have to pick a DCC to learn I'd suggest Maya. The industry is not yet ready for Blender and Max simply doesn't have the coverage that Maya does.