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Maya Camera View Snapping?

polycounter lvl 9
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DJShenanigans polycounter lvl 9

I feel like I'm going absolutely insane here. I could have SWORN Maya had navigation controls that allowed you to snap to a certain perspective (front, left, right, back, top, bottom) while using the main perspective camera in 90 degree increments, much like Zbrush (example video below). Perhaps I've just been using Zbrush lately a little too much, but I've also been using Maya for about 9 years as well and I truly thought it had this control available by default. I though the control for this in Maya was Alt+LMB and then holding Shift and moving the mouse in the direction you want to snap in, but when I tried this today, holding shift just locks the camera tumble to either going up and down or left and right.

TL;DR: Can you do the below in Maya like you can in Zbrush, or am I severely misremembering?:


  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    you can push space bar to quick swap between viewports. So if you have the four pane layout you just push space and move cursor to viewport you want. It's just as fast, just different buttons

  • DJShenanigans
    Offline / Send Message
    DJShenanigans polycounter lvl 9

    I know of the four orthographic panes. What I'm wondering is if there's a way to quick snap to an ortho view (front/back/side/top/bottom) in the main perspective viewport camera. I suppose it doesn't even have to be an actual ortho view, it can still be in perspective mode. I just thought there was a way you could hold down a button and it'd snap 90 degrees to that angle.

  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666

    No maya cant do that. The only way is the viewcube.

  • DJShenanigans
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    DJShenanigans polycounter lvl 9

    Huh, I must've just been working in Zbrush long enough to where I just assumed it was also I thing in Maya. Now that I've gotten back in my Maya workflow it doesn't seem so unnatural. Still though, thanks for helping out guys! I appreciate the insight.

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