im looking forward to diving into ue5 for next project. But major concern is no tessellation for the landscapes. How is nanite meant to replace that? It wouldnt be expected that all landscapes are composed of high poly nanite meshes?
Has anybody considered ue5 production pipeline for larger, natural landscapes? It seems that the only workflows to get realistic looking rocks/cliffs is to have an army that hand places nanite meshes?
Ah now that you mention that, i guess its not hard to imagine hwo you could get a lot of the work done procedurally. So when I get to checking out ue5 I'll try that out and see how it goes. Should be fun.
This is helpful - bug report -
Unreal Engine 5 Documentation
Unreal Engine 5.0 Release Notes
Lumen GI and Reflections off
Lumen GI and Reflections on
The Coalition – "The Cavern" Cinematic Test Demo on Unreal Engine 5
UE5 Animaiton by Third Floor, read all about it here -
Fixing Common UE5 Issues! Changes in 5.0
Create a Massive Open World Map in 15 minutes - Unreal Engine 5
Exploring the depths of the new Sky & Atmosphere system | Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine 5 - How To Create Cinematics in Sequencer Tutorial
im looking forward to diving into ue5 for next project. But major concern is no tessellation for the landscapes. How is nanite meant to replace that? It wouldnt be expected that all landscapes are composed of high poly nanite meshes?
Has anybody considered ue5 production pipeline for larger, natural landscapes? It seems that the only workflows to get realistic looking rocks/cliffs is to have an army that hand places nanite meshes?
You can place assets procedurally
If covering a landscape in nanite meshes isn't more efficient than achieving the same result using tessellation I'll be very, very surprised. .
Ah now that you mention that, i guess its not hard to imagine hwo you could get a lot of the work done procedurally. So when I get to checking out ue5 I'll try that out and see how it goes. Should be fun.
Hi, whats happend to UE5 Content Browser Thumbnails? I can't seem to adjust there angle anymore?
Scratch that, its late and I just spent way to long trying to find a button, it's in settings, top right. :)
Create Engaging Compositions With These Camera Overlays For Unreal Engine 5
Secret Level - Unreal Tournament "The Arena" | Prime Video