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HELP : Unable to recreate problem faced by recruiter

polycounter lvl 4
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Jalalzai polycounter lvl 4

I had an interview for a remote job, in which the recruiters asked a simple task from me to see if I could model, the issue is that the model I sent them have some problems that I am unable to recreate, I tried using different versions of 3dsMax and even imported the model to different software but cannot see the same problems they are seeing.

Here are the screenshots from my model:

Here is the problem the recruiter sees in the model that I have sent :


  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character

    Looks like the vertex normals are being interpreted differently at their end. Are you exporting to an intermediate format for them to view your model in another software? Then you'll have to investigate how to deliver your scene so the shading stays consistent.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    in such a case, the first thing i always do. find out exactly the steps you use to get the mesh to the client and then what steps they take to open/load/preview it.

    i assume its some fbx stuff? i guess you do not have some weighted normals modifier or something going on on your end?

  • Jalalzai
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    Jalalzai polycounter lvl 4

    @Neox I sent them the original 3Ds Max file and the fbx file... I did use weighted normal but I collapsed the modifier stack, importing the FBX to blender or max and opening the max on my pc and different one and still no sign of the problems faced there. I am not sure what steps they take and I have tried asking them, they just say they are busy.

    @thomasp I have exported it to FBX which doesn't show any problem when I imported to both blender and 3dsmax and also .max file which I tried on different PCs

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    Yeah well you can't solve what you can not reproduce. I'd assume they unlock normals on or after import.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    So they broke your model on import and expect you to fix it?

    I'm not even going to start on the support edges comment ..

    Find out what they're viewing it in, how they're importing it and whether there's a technical constraint (like they must rebuild normals on import)

    You clearly know how to organise your normals so you'll be able to deal with it as long as you know the parameters you're working within

  • Jalalzai
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    Jalalzai polycounter lvl 4

    @poopipe They are viewing it in the same application as I am using "3dsmax" just different version since I am using 2021 and they are using 2019, I asked and they said most their artists work as test verifiers too so they are too busy to look into it since most of their artists were Ukrainians and the workload is too much. I understand that their situation is not good and there is not much they can do when war breaks out but I have decided to find some other work because communication is very important in remote jobs and being able to verify models is kind of communicating in our line of work.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    but if you have 2021, you should be able to also get 2019 and test what they are running to? but yeah my assumption is, they dont have a modifer and somehow kill your locked normals.

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