Maya 2020 - Target weld is giving me an issue where instead of the target weld I get this odd selection box looking thing. Restarting Maya fixes it. I was wondering is there any fix aside from restarting Maya. Thanks
I think i know what the issue was now. I was using a script to select hard edges and I think it was changing selection options. So the target weld was not working afterwards.
source dagMenuProc;int $lowAngle = 30;
int $highAngle = 150;
//Change the object back to object mode, just in case it wasn’t already
I have never seen this issue.
Such things can happen with corrupted prefs. I recommend this video here. Watch everything there are a lot tips how to deal with the prefs.
Great thank you I will try that and check out the link.
I think i know what the issue was now. I was using a script to select hard edges and I think it was changing selection options. So the target weld was not working afterwards.
source dagMenuProc;int $lowAngle = 30;
int $highAngle = 150;
//Change the object back to object mode, just in case it wasn’t already
changeSelectMode -object;
//Store the object that is selected
string $curSel[] = `ls -sl`;
//Select all edges and store in an Array list
doMenuComponentSelectionExt($curSel[0], "edge", 0);
int $edgecount[] = `polyEvaluate -e $curSel[0]`;
select ($curSel[0] +".e [0:" + ($edgecount[0] - 1) + "]");
//Constrain that selection to only edges of a certain Angle
polySelectConstraint -m 3 -a on -t 0x8000 -ab $lowAngle $highAngle;
//Remove the selection constraint so everything back to normal
polySelectConstraint -m 0;
print ("Hard edges between " + $lowAngle + " and " + $highAngle + " degrees have been selected");