Hello! I'm working on a tool that allows an end user to customize an HDA without ever opening Houdini and then export an FBX. Think Houdini Engine, but it could be used for a proprietary engine, Blender, or anything not supported by Houdini Engine. I have a video that shows this tool working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzM0sSMEtCg
The only problem is there is no way for the end user to see what they are doing. I'm trying to construct a 3D preview using OpenGL (because wxpython, the library I'm using to build the interface, has an OpenGL canvas) and pyassimp, but so far I have only hit roadblocks for drawing anything more complicated than a cube. Has anyone successfully created their own 3D viewport, esp. with python? Is there another way to go about this? Any information at all would be appreciated!
Also, if you have other suggestions I would love to hear them!
There are quite a few python 3d engines you could use rather than rolling your own - I've not tried embedding any of them into a ui framework but I dont see any real reason why it wouldn't be possible
I found pandas to be largely inoffensive but I do most of my little 3d tools in processing rather than python these days so im out of touch
Dont try to reinvent the wheel. ^^ Rendering/Computergraphics can be quite difficult, even for experienced programmers the frameworks and libraries can be overwhelmingly complicated. From a quick search, I didnt really find any "out of the box" solution for you. But there are solutions out there.
I am just throwing these at ya, that should get you going.
Like Panda3D, which is a game engine.
Based on that I found this 3D viewer:
And this one:
Another, not python based, solution is paraview which has a python api.
And the last one I found, also a python module:
Sorry yeah. I meant panda3d . Pandas is a data processing library that I also muck around with sometimes
nice. I work with pandas for data processing aswell, in my dayjob. there is lot you can do with it when you are into data analysis.