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Spider Mech Bucket Excavator [WIP]

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JesusM3D triangle

Hello all! I'm working on a making a boss-like mech and would like some additional feedback. I came up with a kit bash concept to get me started in a direction and have adjusted to fit the boss-like criteria. I have a lot of different working parts to make the mech as logical as possible. The legs I imagine are similar to spiders where they must exert a constant pressure to keep the legs out from curling into itself. I have multiple joints in the legs to allow the mech as much flexible accessibility as it may need. The bucket excavator attachment I imagine is very heavy, and so I have it supported by a frame that stretches across the body of the attachment. Also the mech stands at around 200ft tall. This is the early stage of this model, so any input is welcomed to get this guy in the best place it can be!


  • Sora123
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    Sora123 polycounter lvl 5

    Wow that looks awsome any idea in what world this beast could fit in?

  • JesusM3D
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    JesusM3D triangle

    I would imagine a foreign world infested with dangerous types of life, maybe like giant insects kind of like StarCraft-esque. Something like this would be an end game structure/unit for harvesting or potential combat.

  • JesusM3D
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    JesusM3D triangle

    Update! I've completed the model and given it additional geo around the edges to give it a more detail to match the boss-like criteria. Next goal is to get trim sheets done and get this this textured!

  • JesusM3D
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    JesusM3D triangle

    I have created two trims that I UV mapped around my mech as much as it seems appropriate to. Right now I have a few materials created and started to texture as well, but in a very rough state. Will update more soon!

  • Sequence
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    Sequence triangle

    Whoa, great job! Looking forward to the final result!

  • JesusM3D
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    JesusM3D triangle

    Update! I have textures applied on my model with a mix of material blending in the unreal material network on my trims. I also have a start on some lighting composition, and began making decal materials I plan to apply soon. Some concerns I have right now is that I don't have enough materials on the mech, and not enough story present. I'm thinking I would like some dirt and grim on specific areas, and possibly more variety on metal materials. More progress to come!

  • JesusM3D
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    JesusM3D triangle

    I believe I'll be wrapping up this project for now. I adjusted the color to have a more desaturated orange, and made a couple variations of dirt/grim build up on my metal materials. I went and vertex painted between the textures to give more of a scene story for the excavator. I also imported a free environment package from unreal's marketplace for better composition. I chose lighting based on a dry sunny canyon environment which I believe fits pretty well. I'll be posting this project on my artstation soon!

  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter

    Dope as fuck. NICE ONE! How long you think you spent on the model / textures.

  • JesusM3D
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    JesusM3D triangle

    If I were to summarize I would say the modeling took me about two weeks with around 80 hours give or take. Texturing was around two weeks as well with 80 hours give or take including the time I spent in unreal networking materials together and applying blending. Then lighting and composition including setting up the environment package I imported was about a weeks worth of time. There's probably some more time I'm not accounting for, but its more of the concepting and correction to the model/textures. I started the project in the beginning of February and completed it March 24th.

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