Hey people!
I'm a hobbyist gamedev/artist who's thinking about doing low poly character work on a freelance basis. I just finished this model here, 1184 tris & 128x128 res texture, and it took me about:
2 working days - modelling
1 day - UV unwrapping
3-4 days(?) - texturing
These numbers aren't really all that accurate because there's been quite a bit of back and forth with tweaking and just figuring stuff out.
I'm curious though. With a concept sketch in place or at least a good description, how long would it take a seasoned character modeller to do this kind of model from start to finish? Modelling, UV-mapping and texturing (no rigging or animating).
You'll get faster over time and with experience. One key improvement would be to reuse basemeshes, you'll eventually have a human topology you like that you'll start each new character from, male or female or humanoid alien or whatever. This will save you a bunch of time.
Cool, thanks for the info!
Getting that done in a couple days is great.
If I had perfectly clear concept and there wasnt need for revisions, and I started from base mesh, I think I maaaybe could finish it in a workday. But that would be going super fast.
So for normal situation I think you are doing perfectly reasonable. As mentioned, the more you do it, each time you learn some new little trick to shave off some time.
Nice, good to hear I'm not super-slow or anything. And it's probably a good idea to get more experience before I dive into freelance work.